Ontario Warehouse Lighting Contractors Specialize in LED Retrofits

Why You Need a LED Retrofit…
Why You Need a LED Retrofit…

Warehouses are often insufficiently lit. Obsolete fixtures contribute to workplace accidents and have a negative impact on your facility’s operating budget. The solution is simple – a complete retrofit with LED lighting. The financial benefits are immediate – and workplace safety is dramatically improved.

Better Lighting Equals Greater Workplace Safety
Better Lighting Equals Greater Workplace Safety

Lighting with LED fixtures can go a long way to reducing warehouse accidents, including slips, trips, and falls. There are no more shadowy aisles hiding spills or obstacles on the floor. The long life of LEDS means that less time is spent replacing bulbs – with little of the dangerous ladder work. The better lighting of LEDs reduces fatigue and drowsiness and there is zero mercury exposure.

Rebates Help Cover the Cost of a LED Retrofit
Rebates Help Cover the Cost of a LED Retrofit

Longer lasting fixtures, reduced demands on power, and an improvement to your bottom line that enhances your facility’s value – can it get any better than that? The answer is ‘yes’. An Ontario warehouse lighting contractor will also help you access government rebates for the conversion to LEDs - reducing the capital cost of your conversion by up to 50%.


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